Production of biogas from organic waste

Production of biogas from organic waste
Energy systems
To produce biogas from organic waste IN Chongwe and Lusaka x region BY engaging youth and women in the community to produce, package and distribute biogas and biogas stoves as a clean-cooking solution.
Place and constituency
Lusaka, Zambia
Greenbelt Energy, Meyana Foundation
See location

Greenbelt Energy is production of biogas from organic waste as clean cooking solution, alternative to charcoal and firewood that enables women to access clean cooking solution. It is an income generating activity whereby communities produce energy for sales or biogas and organic fertilizer. A 6m3 biodigester has the potential to provide energy for 4 households and employ 5 youths. The project is scalable to up to 100m3 biodigester that can serve 100 households. 

The problem

The initiative at hand addresses a significant and pressing issue, the lack of widespread access to clean cooking solutions within Zambia. This challenge has given rise to a need for alternative approaches that can effectively alleviate the associated problems. Of the 2 million households in Zambia on 16% have access to clean cooking solution. In Zambia, 70% of the households are dependent on charcoal and firewood for cooking, this results in forest loss due to charcoal production, energy poverty and health challenges that come because of carbon monoxide inhalation. Cooking solutions only make up 0.1% of the cooking energy market in Lusaka, rural communities and crowded urban areas are not able to access clean cooking solutions because they lack affordable solutions within their neighborhoods. The initiative's pursuit of providing accessible, affordable, and sustainable clean cooking solutions addresses not only the environmental concerns surrounding deforestation but also the urgent need to uplift communities from energy poverty and mitigate the health risks associated with traditional cooking practices. By understanding the profound context of these challenges, the initiative takes on a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future for Zambia.

The solution

The Greenbelt Energy initiative exhibits a combination of innovative features and a well-defined business model that targets specific communities in need. Its approach of addressing clean cooking challenges aligns with both environmental sustainability and social inclusivity, while the strategic packaging and distribution system set it apart from its competitors. These distinctive characteristics position Greenbelt Energy's solution as a promising and comprehensive answer to the prevailing cooking energy crisis in Zambia. The solutions provide biogas in biogas bags and biogas stoves that are packaged in smaller backpacks and priced fairly for the target market making it portable, affordable, and accessible. Greenbelt Energy, a youth-led and women-led social enterprise, is at the forefront of providing access to clean cooking solutions through the innovative utilization of biodigesters. Focusing on households in Mutendere, Chongwe, and Makeni, areas within close proximity to their biodigester systems, Greenbelt Energy adopts a comprehensive approach. The initiative begins by collecting animal manure from farms and food waste. These serve as the primary feedstock for the biodigesters, forming a sustainable loop that converts organic waste into valuable energy. Greenbelt Energy faces rivals including charcoal traders, LPG providers, electric stoves, and various alternative cook stove brands. However, the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of Greenbelt Energy is the strategic packaging of biogas into smaller bags. This approach not only makes biogas more affordable but also ensures its widespread accessibility.

Effects and results

The initiative has reached a target market of 100 households in Lusaka. These households will benefit from access to biogas for cooking and heating. This is a direct and tangible outcome that improves the quality of life and contributes to sustainability. So far trained 300 youths in the fields of energy and the environment. This is a valuable contribution to skill development and knowledge enhancement for the younger generation. It can lead to better employment opportunities, increased awareness of environmental issues, and potentially foster innovation in the energy sector.


A fundamental principle in facilitating access to energy is to empower communities to achieve self-sufficiency in energy production through the utilization of locally available resources, including but not limited to sources such as animal waste, solar irradiance, and wind power. This approach underscores the essence of sustainable and community-centric energy provisioning. By enabling communities to harness these resources effectively, a range of advantageous outcomes are realized, encompassing enhanced environmental sustainability, increased resilience, skill cultivation, and meaningful engagement. This principle, characterized by its emphasis on decentralized energy generation, bears relevance that transcends immediate contexts, offering insights and strategies applicable across diverse socio-economic and geographical settings.


The initiative is bolstered by a confluence of essential technical resources. The availability of organic waste, coupled with the procurement of biogas technology from a reputable supplier, constitutes a solid foundation. Furthermore, the proficient technical capacity of the team adds a critical dimension. This solution has been rigorously vetted through three distinct pilot programs, affirming its establishment and technical viability. The solution requires an initial setting up cost of K30,000 after which the infrastructure is set up and it begins to produce biogas that is sold at K20/kg and the organic fertilizer at K5/kg. The project breaks even after 6 months of operation. The benefits include the continuous production of biogas and environmental sustainability as well as the employment of locals in the value chain. The solution does not conflict with legal requirements. The solution is currently being supported by the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment. The implementation team has a combines 10 years of experience in renewable energy and business development. Additionally, there are advisors who supporting the team to implement the project.  

Potential for scaling

The potential for scaling is robustly fortified by strategic partnerships. The initiative benefits from the collaborative support of Tandem Consulting and Kukula Capital, alongside engagement with the Women's Entrepreneurship Access Centre. These partnerships collectively provide access to crucial technical acumen essential for successful scaling. The viability for expansion transcends technical support and extends to policy, planning, and legislative advocacy that values and invests in sustainable solutions. Notably, Greenbelt Energy holds a pivotal role within the Ministry of Energy, actively participating in the OffGrid Taskforce and Bioenergy and Clean Cooking Sub-Committee. This advisory stature endows Greenbelt Energy with the capacity to influence policy recommendations directly, fostering an environment conducive to scaling. The project's integration within the Ministry of Energy's advisory framework signifies a strategic alignment that further amplifies prospects for replication. The existence of established channels for policy influence augments the potential for implementation in diverse contexts.


Opportunities Available
A promising avenue lies in the alignment with the USAID alternatives to charcoal program. This presents an opportunity to not only enhance the development of our products but also to access and capitalize on a wider market, thus contributing to the overarching goals of sustainable energy adoption. The partnership with Tandem Consulting presents a strategic opportunity to extend our market reach. Through this collaboration, we can tap into new markets and amplify the impact of our initiatives, fostering a mutually beneficial growth trajectory.

The  immediate priority is to secure the necessary resources to enhance our operations and serve our customers more effectively. To this end, the initiative is  actively seeking K500,000 in grant financing. This funding will be instrumental in acquiring essential equipment, biogas bags, and biogas stoves. These acquisitions are pivotal not only in improving our logistical and administrative efficiency but also in ensuring that we can continue to provide seamless and sustainable services to our existing 100 customers. With this infusion of funds, the aim is to fortify the operational foundation, optimize the customer service, and facilitate the ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability and community empowerment. This financing will play a pivotal role in propelling towards the growth objectives and further solidifying the impact within the energy and environmental sectors.