Recycle Forward: Transforming Waste

ecological cucumber
Energy systems
Place and constituency
Montserrado County, Liberia Green Warriors Group, Dorcus Recycles & Reuse, Her Eco Fingers Initiative
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Yugnet Clean Recycles is an innovative “Green Action Fair Initiative” that seeks to promote waste recycling of common materials (bottles, paper towels and aluminum cans) into materials that can be commercialized and reused. This Green Action Fair will further work to build the capacity of green entrepreneurs to help enhance and support youth-led social entrepreneurships and green jobs initiatives. This project is expected to recruit and train 150 females between 13-30 years from climate vulnerable communities in Montserrado County in recycling wastes into reusable materials for commercial purposes. Moreover, this initiative when supported will also broadcast youth led-green innovations through media campaigns and facilitate enhanced used of ICT supported youth-led social entrepreneurships and help to create new green jobs in in Montserrado County.

The problem

The project seeks to promote waste recycling of common materials (bottles, paper towels and aluminum cans) into materials that can be commercialized and reused for sustainable growth.

Project Background: Already, it is a glaring fact that Liberia’s waste management sector faces tremendous difficulties due to various factors, including: unclear and overlapping legal mandates and responsibilities; inadequate institutional framework; poor enforcement mechanisms; extremely weak technical and human capacity within the government sector; low level of public awareness on health-waste management linkages; and a complete absence of cost recovery mechanisms. And the most marginalized groups are young people and women whom themselves are the most vulnerable and affected by climate change. s. 

The solution

The project seeks to promote waste recycling of common materials (bottles, paper towels and aluminum cans) into materials that can be commercialized and reused for sustainable growth. The potential of the organization seen in this project assessment, addresses issues related to environmental and climate justice from the national standpoint.

Some environmental benefits outlined especially the reduction of waste and transformation of waste to reusable materials contributing to greenhouse gas emission reduction.

The project idea attempts to give a background to jobs creation that will be created as a result of reusable waste materials production which intends to scale the number of jobs up through the grant support period.

There is a huge economic benefit because there is a potential that the project will increase marketing and sales strategies on the local market.

The Target Market: The targeted beneficiaries are the community dwellers, school going children; single women, girls, parents and members of the organization.

The targeted groups are relevant because of their contribution to climate justice.

YUGNET Competitive Advantage: YUGNET competitive advantage lies in the power of their team and their passionate workforce. Additionally, they have built partnership with a team of certified and highly trained and experienced recycling technicians.

Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy: YUGNET sales and marketing team is recruited based on their vast experience in the recycling industry and they are trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall business goal.

Advertise their business in relevant business magazines, newspapers, TV stations, and radio stations.

Attend relevant international and local expos, seminars, and business fairs et al. Create different packages for different category of clients in order to work with their budgets and still deliver good recycled raw materials. Leverage on the internet to promote their business. Engage direct marketing approach;

Encourage word of mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients; Place adverts on both print (newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms; Sponsor relevant community based events / programs; Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote their services; Install Bill Boards on strategic industrial locations all around Monrovia. 

Effects and results

With funding from Action aid Liberia, this initiative introduced in 2022 has significantly contributed to recycling on the environment and economy.

Yugnet venture has helped to:

  • Harness youth collective actions for climate justice.
  • Provide resources for students on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.
  • They have empowered 3 eco-friendly entrepreneurs that are creating new green job from recycled materials (attractive/ decorated flowering pots, designed slippers) in Montserrado County amongst others. 

Yugnet Clean Recycles seeks sample practice that helps to reduce waste and protect the environment. Here are some useful practices, principles and learning of recycling beyond context of their project :

Yugnet Clean Recycles 

  1. Conserve natural resources such as trees, forests, fossil fuels, and water. 
  2. protect ecosystems and wildlife to reduce the need to grow, harvest or extract new raw materials from the Earth. 
  3. will Reduce demand for raw materials including existing products that are far better than damaging someone else’s community or land in the search for new raw materials. 
  4. save energy making products from recycled materials requires less energy than making them from new raw materials 
  5. reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for extracting, refining, and processing raw materials. 
  6. save landfill space by reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfill

YUGNET technical resources and capacity lies in the power of their team, their workforce. YUGNET is in partnership with a few noticeable recycling companies and a team of certified and highly trained and experienced recycling technicians who ensures that hands on deck trainings and recommend the needed machinery to train young entrepreneurs how to recycle wastes into reusable materials for commercial purposes.

The assessment sees the global recycling industry that has become an integral part of modern society not only due to its social and economic impact but also because it plays a vital role for the future of our planet. It is upon this core value that the assessment sees it keen on supporting recycling business that is eco-friendly and can earn young people a living and make them entrepreneurs and employers of labour through the introduction of new technologies.

Also, YUGNET-Liberia’s legal status as an accredited environmental NGO in Liberia by the EPA and outstanding reputation in the climate space puts the institution at the top notch for productivity and reliability.

Moreover, the YUGNET RECYCLES is economically viable and when supported, it will help to reduce waste and protect the environment.

The cost of running this recycling project may vary depending on several factors:

Recycling programs are often more expensive. The prices of scrap materials and the use of single-stream recycling will result to additional sorting.

The low value of scraps and high costs of recycling couple with low prices mean that recycling plastic now costs more than manufacturing new ones.

Therefore, working with other recycling companies will help them reduce the cost of materials.

However, they will like to state that the solution does not come in conflict with legal Requirements for YUGNET-Liberia is a legally accredited environmental NGO that is in full compliance legally. The YUGNET RECYCLES at the startup stage was considered as one of the many initiatives of the institution. 

Potential for scaling

However, it is important to note that recycling helps reduce waste and conserve resources, making it an essential part of sustainable waste management. The potential of the solution in terms of achieving (more and wider) impact is that this initiative will serve as an important economic driver to create jobs and tax revenues.

Scaling deep: this project/initiative will focus on trainings of young people to become green entrepreneurs and build networks that support smart ecofriendly ventures in the communities.

Scaling up: in terms of policy, planning and legislation that values and invests in solution, this initiative will mobilize young people including young Human Rights Defenders, youth networks, CSOs and social movements to create awareness on climate change and make demands for strong and effective actions be taken by government to account for policies and actions that promote sustainable green entrepreneurship in Montserrado County. Also, this project seeks that the prospects, challenges and gabs in these policy documents and formulate recommendations for systematic changes and actions to be taken that support the full inclusion and participation of the Youth and Women at local and national levels”. This will enhance stewardship between the young people and duty-bearers where community leaders will take fully responsibilities of their environment promoting accountability and Cooperation.

Scaling out: In setting up such a business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale YUGNET want to undertake. If they intend to go big by renting a place, then they would need a good amount of capital as to ensure that their employees are well taken care of, and that their facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

This means that the start-up can either be low or high depending on their goals, vision and aspirations for their business. The tools and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked. 


In terms of available opportunities, in spite of the challenges, there is a possibility to form partnerships with existing recycling companies (Green Cities, Givo, etc.) and state owned waste management agencies (PCC/MCC) in the country to take this venture from emerging/start-up to a functional recycling industry.