Eco-friendly charcoal briquettes

Eco-friendly charcoal briquettes
Energy systems
To combat deforestation and promote sustainable energy adoption in Zambia by producing and distributing waste-based Charcoal Briquettes and engaging community members throughout the country while aligning with governmental environmental policies.
Place and constituency
Northwestern, Copperbelt and Southern Province of Zambia
CP4 World Technologies
See location

The Charcoal Briquette initiative pioneers a sustainable solution, repurposing waste into eco-friendly briquettes to combat deforestation and unsustainable energy use in Zambia's Copperbelt and Northwestern Provinces. With an impressive 8 to 12-hour burn time and alignment with governmental policies, the initiative holds the potential to empower communities and drive nationwide change, promoting cleaner and lasting energy sources.

The problem

The initiative tackles the intertwined challenges of waste management and deforestation in the Copperbelt and Northwestern Provinces of Zambia. These provinces grapple with rampant deforestation for charcoal and unsustainable agriculture practices, aggravated by the lack of electrification in many areas, particularly in Northwestern Province. This reliance on charcoal as the primary energy source has led to environmental degradation, increased climate vulnerability, and heightened poverty levels, especially in rural regions. The substantial population growth from 727,044 to 1,270,028 in Northwestern Province and 1,972,317 to 2,757,539 in Copperbelt Province within a decade has further accentuated the need for immediate action. Urgent interventions are required to shift the energy paradigm towards sustainability, reduce dependence on tree-derived charcoal, and foster effective environmental conservation practices.

The solution

The Charcoal Briquette initiative is led by Mr. Christopher Zulu, introduces a groundbreaking solution to sustainable energy and environmental challenges. Unique in its composition, the briquettes are crafted from waste materials like sawdust, maize waste, leaves, nut covers, and paper, eliminating tree felling and promoting waste repurposing. With an impressive burn time of 8 to 12 hours and devoid of toxic additives, these briquettes offer both efficient energy and health-conscious benefits. The target market encompasses poultry farmers, individuals for cooking, and businesses, including beer production. Operating as a social enterprise, the initiative is driven by a mission to combat deforestation while offering affordable and lasting energy solutions. Competing against imitations, the initiative's vision extends beyond profit, emphasizing its role in halting deforestation. With a compelling price point of 15 kwacha per block and long-lasting usage, the Charcoal Briquette initiative presents a sustainable and cost-effective alternative.

Effects and results

The initiative has achieved some significant impacts and results. Over 20 women in Livingstone have been empowered through training, becoming pivotal points of contact and active producers of the Charcoal Briquette product. The user base has rapidly expanded to encompass more than 1000 users per month across the country, including adoption within Kanfinsa Prisons. The product's affordability has encouraged its widespread acceptance, and its positive effects have extended to job creation, benefiting a notable number of individuals. Through these accomplishments, the initiative is making tangible strides towards environmental conservation, livelihood enhancement, and sustainable energy adoption.


The Charcoal Briquette initiative not only serves as a source of income but also stands as a significant replacement measure in the ongoing battle against deforestation. It embodies essential principles of sustainability by repurposing waste materials for energy, reducing the reliance on tree-derived charcoal, and fostering environmental conservation. The initiative's success in empowering women through training and employment showcases the positive social impact of its approach. The dual benefits of addressing waste management challenges and curbing deforestation offer valuable lessons applicable beyond its immediate context. This initiative demonstrates that innovative solutions can effectively tackle complex environmental issues while simultaneously benefiting communities and promoting sustainable practices.


The initiative is well-equipped with the necessary technical resources, utilizing available machines to produce briquettes. Collaborative efforts involve waste collection by the community resulting in empowerment for waste collecting individuals financially. Economically, the initiative is highly viable and accessible, with low initial investment requirements, primarily reliant on waste materials. When it comes to scaling up, it necessitates human resources for waste collection. The initiative has proven environmentally friendly after being initially perceived as a threat to forestry with legal conflicts being dispelled through investigations, aligning with existing legal frameworks for Zambia Environmental Management Authority ZEMA. With a decade of experience, the initiative demonstrates a well-established and seasoned approach to addressing deforestation and waste management challenges.

Potential for scaling

The initiative employs a comprehensive scaling strategy encompassing deep engagement through training, mentorships, and networks to foster the growth of collaborative communities. It also cultivates Partnerships to enhance stakeholder capacity and involvement. When it comes to Scaling up which is supported by aligning with existing policies against deforestation, it presents a highly viable solution that resonates with governmental priorities. The initiative's potential for replication in diverse contexts is emphasized by its universal need as an energy source for cooking and other applications. Accessibility to infrastructure and resources is facilitated by the initiative's simplicity, utilizing locally available waste materials and basic briquette-making machinery. This approach holds immense potential for broad and impactful scaling, addressing deforestation challenges while bolstering sustainable energy practices.


Opportunities Available: 
A plethora of opportunities presents itself for the initiative's advancement. The market holds favorable prospects, maintained by the government's policy drive to curb deforestation and prioritize environmental protection. This policy stance not only supports the initiative's objectives but also paves the way for substantial scaling up and expansion across the nation. Collaboration opportunities are also abundant, as aligning with governmental initiatives and partnering with stakeholders can accelerate impact and promote sustainable energy practices on a broader scale.

What should we do next? 
Support and financing are crucial needs to propel the initiative forward. The interest and willingness of many individuals to partner are encouraging, but concrete financial support is required to realize the initiative's full potential. Increasing the production capacity and refining machinery is essential to meet the high demand for the product. Additionally, bolstering the local team's capacity and resources is vital for efficient operations and effective waste management. Adequate financial backing is also necessary for nationwide distribution, overcoming logistical challenges, and ensuring the initiative's sustainable growth and impact.